Ända in i kaklet...

Då var det dags. Tentaångesten infinner sig sakta men säkert och det enda tankarna jag försöker tänka är att jag inte ska stressa upp mig och at det värsta som kan hända är att jag få göra om den. Vilket inte är så farligt... (Man kan iaf tänka att det inte är så farligt....)

XoY ska besökas innan denna dagen är slut, det kommer bli himla trevligt skulle jag tro. Kan väl inte bli annat med tanke på mina vänner som jag ska gå med. Man kan inte ha tråkigt med dem.  They don't give you a chans to be bored.... =)

Nu ska jag återgå till Vänner som rullar på tv:n. Mina bröder är på besök och det uppskattas. Besök uppskattas alltid.

I do have a little wierd feeling about it, but how can you know if you don't try?

Som sagt, tentaångest....


Asså, Facebook is the shit! Ojoj, vilken grej ändå. Och genom facebook. Haha, borde jag skratta eller gråta?
Vad händer? Man ska alltid gå på sin magkänsla, det är ett som är säkert!

Det är mkt inom mig som vill ut men jag vet inte vad jag ska skriva. Jag är tom. Tom på ord. Kan man vara det? När man egentligen har hur myket som helst man skulle vilja säga?

Jag orkar inte ens ha ångest för tentan. Det värsta som kan hända är att jag får göra om den. Like I haven't done that before...

Men det säger väl du till alla...

Breathing gets harder....

Even I know that!

Nu är vi tillbaka hemma. Nu blir det kanske en mix av svenska och engelska, det är lite svårt att ställa om sig, t.ex. crossar man vägen även här...

Lights in Alinsås har besökts idag. Det var faktiskt inte så mkt att ha, men inte ska man klaga. Vi fikade och den varma chokladen och kladdkakan  var verkligen inte fel!

Detta blir ett kort inlägg, men jag måste vänja mig igen vid att skriva här även hemma. Det är kul att ha, jag är dålig på att skriva ner i en verkligheten, så detta kan kanske vara ett bra sätt att komma ihåg sitt liv?

Jag vill bara avsluta med en himla rolig mening, som verkligen inte passade in. They were running around like little idiots. Okej liksom, Vi fattar...

Vi har gett upp hoppet. Varför hoppas när man vet att det ändå inte tjänar någonting till? Existerar Happily Ever After?

Love Lisa

Have a good one Texas. See you soon!

Ok people, now it's time for us to leave!

Today it's saturday. The sun is shining and we have to enjoy every minute of it since we probably not gonna see it again for a long time. Why do we live in Sweden when we could live here?

The last cpoule of days have been really wonderfull. We have seen even more of Austin and we have eaten even more then we should have. But the eating-part is hard to NOT do. Everything IS bigger in Texas!

This will be just a short one cause we have to go have one last american-pancake for this time!
But the conclusion of this trip is that me and my other half have had a lovely time and we can't wait until next time. And there will be a next time, the question is not IF, the question is WHEN! We have done almost everything we wanted, even more then we thought we would do. There is still somethings we haven't done but we have saved it for next time!

And as usual, check out Alexandras blog. She has some pictures!

Soo, bye from us in Texas. See you back in "Svedala"!

I got Yatzyy SIX times...


Wednesday morning and it is the first morning since we came here that we just hang out and do nothing. We have no car this morning, in this state you can't go nowhere whitout a car. Soo we are just enjoying our selfs whit the computers...

Monday was a long day. Long day that was filled whit alot. Filled whit alot  of things, both things you can feel and things you cannot feel. Mostly things you can feel. We were at a GIGNORMOUS  shoppingcenter. I bought alot of things. Alot of things mean that I bought ALOT!!!!!! I have now filled up a BIG suitcase whit stuff that are not for me. Just presents and things to my beloved sister. But actually not even for her, bur for her kids. And then there is alot of thing to others too. I like buying gifts, it's sometimes even more fun than to buy for my self. But don't worry, I have bought ALOT for my self to! =)
After the shopping-mall we went home and we weren't lost AT ALL! Isen't that amazing? We think that it certainly is!
We had been home just a while, when we decided to catch a movie. We saw "Body of lies" with Leonardo Dicaprio. The movie was almost 2 1/2 hour, but since either me or Alexandra understood A THING, time went past really fast, cause all we tried to do was to understand the content. It wasen't a bad movie, we just diden't understand it.

Tuesday was alittle bit more chill-day. We took the car and drove down-town to expolre this little town. I don't know if I can call the Capital of Texas for a little town, but it is kind of small for a big town I guess. We had lunch at Whoole Foods, we went shopping on Guadoloupe, we saw the Austin Museum of Art, we took a chocolate-chip-cookie at Congress and we just enjoyed the day. We were a little bit lost, but since our luck has begin to turn, we some how ended up just were we were supposed to be. We even caught that preciuous moment on video, that was the high-light of the day! In the evening we made vegetarian-lasanga and we played Yatzy for two hours. It was a nice evening, and you can probably guess who the winner was? I give you a hint, it was NOT Alexandra.... 

Today we are having lunch with our host-mum and then we gonna spend the afternoon at the mall. Not that I am going to buy anything, because my suitcases probably already weighs TO MUCH, but it will be fun anyway, we always have fun!

"Don't make me snapp my fingers in a Z-formation!" 

Love Lisa 

I trust people, I know people, I AM people!

Howdyy you'all!

Sunday evening and another weekend has passed and it has been a lovely one!

It started at friday after school. It was our last day on Friday and we got to be in both 3rd, 5th and kindergarden. Kindergarden was just as lovely as it was on thursday and that was the place that we liked the most! Since our main-teacher was in third grade we wrote two cards to them and we got alot of letters and cards from the kids, that was fun!
Directly after school we went to Starbucks and treated us with a frappucchino and the vaccation had begun! =)
In the evening we went out for dinner and a movie with our host-parents. We saw the movie "Duchess" and it was a really good one! After that we just went straight home and went to bed after an exhausting but fun week.

Saturday started off really chill and we just went for a walk and did some shopping at WalMart. In the evnning the four of us went down-town for some dinner and a comedy-show! It was called Esters Follies and that show was one of the funniest live-things we has seen in our lives! We laughed so hard we almost cried and Alexandra caught some of it on film, and we have been watching it today to and it is just hilarious! The show contained both stand-up-comedy and magic. They made one women fly and they cut one woman in half. We just coulden't get how they did it, it was soo well done. They also did alot of jokes on Bush, Obama and McCain. It was Bush that said: "I trust people, I know people, I am people. I'm just a regular republican, I got this job because of my dad." Well, it may not seem that funny to you, but it was very fun in that moment!

Today we have been in another town, called San Antonio. It was a really fun town to see and there was  a lot of tourist-things, like a place called "The alamo" and there was a really beautiful river-walk. wwe took a boat on the river and there was a guide telling us about all the historicall things. After that we had some ice-cream and just enjoyed the moment!
On the way home we went pas a GIGANTIC outlet which me and my other half will enjoy tomorrow! It had ALL shops you can imagine and we will spend both alot of time AND alot of money there tomorrow! Everything is bigger in Texas...

Well, as always you should check out Alexandras blog. She has uploaded some pictures to!

That's all for today folks! We will get to back to you asap!

Love Lisa

"I have seen you on TV"

Hello everybody!

Hope all our classmates are having a good time, where ever they are. And i Alos hope all in Sweden are doing great!

Right now we are sitting at home infront of "our" computers. Another day has passed and tomorrow is our last day at the school. Yesterday was an active day. We visited two different 4:th grades and we saw 3 different classes they have. It was music, math and language art. Everything is different here, but especially math. They don't have a math-book and they just gets some tasks to do and there is alot of theori i think. And they have such long days. In 4:th grade thay don't have to have brakes, AT ALL, but this school have a little brake. I cannot understand WHY they don't understand that kids need to move and play during the day. But they do make it. But then you can wonder how they really fell about it. Every teacher we talk to don't like that they don't have more brakes, but they can't do anything about it...

Today we were at two different 2:nd graders and that was also different. They have to lurn SOO much at a young age, and we are really amazed that the kids make it. After that we got to talk about sweden in 3:rd grade. We had some books and showed them pictures and they do have alot of questions. It's fun!

The last class today we were in kindergarden. In kindergarden they are 5 years old and we were really AMAZED by how good they were. The teacher told us that they HAD to read when this school year is over, otherwise they can't start 1:st grade. She did not like that at all, but she has no other choise than to just make these 5-year-old kids read. She was a really good teacher and she maked learning fun. We just sat there and we were amazed.
There was alot of qute kids in that class, but especially one boy. We got to help them paint a pumpkin with finger-paint and he lokked at us and said: "I know you." We: "Aha, you do?" He: Yes, I have seen you on TV." Alexandra asked: "Who of us?" He pointed at me and said: "You." We just couldent NOT stop giggle at that. And he was sure that he had seen me om TV. That made our day!

As I told you before, we have a sertain way of getting lost all the time. Yesterday we went to the mall after school, and to be sure that we would arrive at the right place, we printed a map. The map had 7 directions and we followed it as we were supposed to. We did recognise our self  but just to be sure we lokked at the directions. It turns out that the map showed us the wrong way, just our luck! But since we actually did recognise our self this time we ended up at the mall. We did laugh alot at it though. The one time we have a real map, it turns out to be wrong, and then we make it!

We saw a third movie yesterday. Beverlly Hills Chihuahua it was called,it was a qute movie. We also did some shopping and I bought presents for some of you at home. There is alot that you would like to buy here...

Ok, now it's time for me to stop writing! Check out Alexandras blog to, she had upload some pictures!

Love Lisa ( Who is, obviously, a TV-star...)

And we are lost. AGAIN!


Tuesday evening and we are now listening to a debate between McCain and Obama. It's interesting, but we are not paying it too much attention because we are TIRED!!!

Today was our second school-day and we are already exhausted. There is a lot to tell you about the school. It is really different from home. Yesterday we arrived there at 7.20 and I was really proud of my self for finding the way. Ofcourse my other half was a good help. We went in to the office and met the teachers and the principal. We followed a teacher, Ms Jaynes, and she showed us the school. At 7.45 we went into the aula and al the kida sat in lines and the principal said Hello to everone. First monday of every month they award some students that has responsibility and they sing Happy Birthday to all the children that has a birthday. They also award four of the teachers, called "Star stuff". After this they sing the American AND Texas pledge. They surtenlty love their counrty...

We got to be in two different classrooms during the day, both were third garders. There are three thrid-grades and all three do the same things during the day so that they are at the same level. It was a big difference though, I think it manly was the teacher that had diffferences, but it was fun to see. They have much longer school-days here. They start at 7.45 and gets off at 2.45. And they only have  a30 minutes brake during the day, so in the afternoon ALL kids are really tired and soo are we. We don't really like that the kids don't get to play much during the days, but the studendts don't know anything else, soo they don't complain.

This day was the same, exept that we were in a third third-class, whit Ms Tso. We will follow here the rest of the week.  This was also kind of  a different class, but as I said, the teachers are different from eachother. The kids here are soo much more noicie and not concentradted and we are really exhausted when we get of school at 2.45.  

Today I drove the wrong way on our way home, so we were lost for about 30 minutes, but all we do is laugh at it. In some way, some how, we always end up on the right way and we have been so used to be lost that we are pretty calm about it.

We had dinner at Whoole Foods today. MY GOSH i missed that store. I can't explain it, but that store is sooooo wonderful! All the vegetables, all fresh meat, fish, chiken, bread. And MOST of all, all the food you can by for take-out! Its just amazing! After the dinner we listen to some live-music outside the store and then we went to a book-store which was fun! Down-town Austin is not what you imagine a down-town to be, but it's nice. Everybodu here tells us that Austin is  a special town compered to other towns in Texas or the us, and I can see why, but we really liking it here!

Now it's time for me to go to bed. Sorry if this was kind of boring to read and in a bad english, but i'm tired!

Olof, were have to write in English. This is a homework from our school during our time here, so don't blame me! =)

Love Lisa

I would like to have a gun...


Sundaynight and we will soon go to bed. School starts tomorrow and we are really exited about that!

This has been a weekend to remember. On saturday we went out for lunch and after that we went to a store that had a lot of stuffed animals and things for out-side-activites, like fishing and so on. They also had a GUN-LIBARY! We got to hold a gun that cost 64.000 DOLLARS!!! It was really cool and we were really amazed of all the guns. It's insaine that you just can go in and bye a gun... And then they wonder why people shoot eachother... After that we went for some shopping and a movie. It was called "Choke", it was a wierd one, but good. I aslo did some driving, it's an amazing feeling, driving in Austin. We got to borrow Ritas car both weeks we are here, so I will get more used to it.

Today, sunday, we went with Rita to church. Both me and Alexandra was really amazed, and we said to eachother "No comments", and we ahven't spoke about it since... Haha. But it was really fun to see and it will defenitly be remeberd!
After that we went down-town for some sightsing and a chochlate-chip-cookie! Mmm...
then we went to another movie, called "Appaloosa" and it was a western-movie. It was really good! We got some mexican-food and then we just went home. Everything is an adventure and you never know what will happen.

Tomowwor we will be at school and I will write more then! Now it's time to go to bed. And as usual, check out Alexandras blog to!!

Love Lisa

Reporting LIVE from Texas!

Hello everybody.

We have now get settled here in Austin. We arrived friday-evening 9.15 after traveling for 22 hours. We went directly to a Mexican-resturant and had some delisious food. We went to bed around 23.30 and then we had been up for 24 hours.

Today we woke up 9.30 and then we just chilled a while and then we went out for lunch and some grossery-shopping. I havent realised how MUCH I have missed this country. There are a lot of memories coming back when you see and buy stuff I almost had forgot they existed. Whoole Foods is THE best store there is!

Tonight I don't really know what we will do, but trust me when I say, we won't be restless... =)

we are also going to borrow a car and drive around by our selfs. Of course I'm the driver, but Alexandra will be the map-reader! And a map we defenitly will need.

Now it's Alexandras turn to use the computer, check her blog out to!

Talk to you soon again!

Love Lisa

Some songs...

Here's the kee,

A freak like me just need

Your mind is in disturbia,
It's like the darkess is the light.
If only you, could see that I'm burning.
When the sun shine, we shine together.   
Told you I be here forever.
You can stay under my umbrella.

And when I told her, I said: YEAH!
I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease 'em 
Boys just come and go like seasons

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