I trust people, I know people, I AM people!

Howdyy you'all!

Sunday evening and another weekend has passed and it has been a lovely one!

It started at friday after school. It was our last day on Friday and we got to be in both 3rd, 5th and kindergarden. Kindergarden was just as lovely as it was on thursday and that was the place that we liked the most! Since our main-teacher was in third grade we wrote two cards to them and we got alot of letters and cards from the kids, that was fun!
Directly after school we went to Starbucks and treated us with a frappucchino and the vaccation had begun! =)
In the evening we went out for dinner and a movie with our host-parents. We saw the movie "Duchess" and it was a really good one! After that we just went straight home and went to bed after an exhausting but fun week.

Saturday started off really chill and we just went for a walk and did some shopping at WalMart. In the evnning the four of us went down-town for some dinner and a comedy-show! It was called Esters Follies and that show was one of the funniest live-things we has seen in our lives! We laughed so hard we almost cried and Alexandra caught some of it on film, and we have been watching it today to and it is just hilarious! The show contained both stand-up-comedy and magic. They made one women fly and they cut one woman in half. We just coulden't get how they did it, it was soo well done. They also did alot of jokes on Bush, Obama and McCain. It was Bush that said: "I trust people, I know people, I am people. I'm just a regular republican, I got this job because of my dad." Well, it may not seem that funny to you, but it was very fun in that moment!

Today we have been in another town, called San Antonio. It was a really fun town to see and there was  a lot of tourist-things, like a place called "The alamo" and there was a really beautiful river-walk. wwe took a boat on the river and there was a guide telling us about all the historicall things. After that we had some ice-cream and just enjoyed the moment!
On the way home we went pas a GIGANTIC outlet which me and my other half will enjoy tomorrow! It had ALL shops you can imagine and we will spend both alot of time AND alot of money there tomorrow! Everything is bigger in Texas...

Well, as always you should check out Alexandras blog. She has uploaded some pictures to!

That's all for today folks! We will get to back to you asap!

Love Lisa


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